Sunday, June 17, 2007

What mystifies our leaders, what bizarre things are happening in Washington and when it's the law vs. the law

- Well, the troop surge by the U.S. military, implemented at the behest of W., is now complete…..and shock of all shocks, the war is still a giant debacle and running disaster-piece theater. The very day after the last of the surge-ification took place, the No. 2 U.S. commander in Iraq openly expressed frustration about the near-total lack of progress being made in and around Baghdad. Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno said in part, “I guess I thought we’d make a little more progress.” Well Ray, so did most Americans when this whole war started a few years ago. Part of the general’s frustration was that newly imposed curfews around Iraq have failed to stop violence. Honestly, almost nothing amuses me more than when stupid, ill-conceived measures are put in place to address a problem and then those putting the measures in place act surprised when they fail. What, you think imposing curfews is going to stop insurgent and terrorist groups? Yeah, those guys are notorious for abiding by curfews. Maybe if you ground them, take away their cell phones and car privileges, then they’ll listen. Allow me to shine some light on this for Lt. Gen. Odierno so he can't avoid another major letdown in the weeks ahead: W. and his stupid, stupid troop-surge plan aren't going to work either. This moronic excuse for a strategy is going to fail too, so don’t get your hopes up, general. Just thought I would point that out so that when the time comes to admit that this too is a failure, just like every other part of the God-forsaken travesty of a war, you’ll at least have seen it coming.

- Does Kobe Bryant realize that it’s OK not to verbalize every single thought he has? Someone might want to point that out to Bryant, because he keeps on vacillating back and forth, back and forth on wanting to be traded or not wanting to be traded from the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant first went around talking out of both sides of his mouth after the Lakers were bounced in the first round of the NBA playoffs, saying initially that he wanted out of L.A., then saying the next day that he'd talk to Lakers coach Phil Jackson and wanted to stay. Now, a few weeks later, he’s posted a message on his website saying that he and the organization aren't on the same page and that he’s not down with the long-term rebuilding plan that the team has decided to follow. Now I’m not saying Bryant is wrong for having these diverging, varying feelings, because people can often go back and forth on issues and change their mind once they calm down. However, Bryant needs to learn to not run out into the street shouting at the top of his lungs every other day about how he feels about his status with the Lakers. Stay down, Kobe, and until you’re ready to make a definitive, final decision and stand by it on a permanent basis, don’t make any more declarations about whether or not you want to be traded.

- Not sure if I’ll go see the new Angelina Jolie movie, A Mighty Heart, about American journalist Daniel Pearl, kidnapped in Pakistan and the struggle his wife goes through to find him before finding that he has been killed. What I do find interesting is that with the look Jolie has in this movie, I literally didn’t realize it was her until I actually saw her name flashed at the end of the previews for the film. The crimped/curly hair and whatnot threw me off, but it also could have been the fact that nowhere in the previews did they show Jolie attempting to adopt a child from a Third World country. But if you like dramatic films based on real-life events, then this looks like it should be a fairly interesting movie.

- From the land of the bizarre……an Everett, Wash. woman who posed as a homeless orphaned boy, then befriended and abused a teenage girl has been sentenced to a year in jail for child molestation. Lorelei J. Corpuz (and yes, extra condemnation for dragging the name of Lorelei through the mud since I am a diehard Gilmore Girls fan), 30, received the maximum sentence under state guidelines, but I’m confused as to how this woman was able to pass herself off as a teenage boy. I know some women aren't especially, um, curvy, but wouldn’t a teenage girl be old enough and have enough intellect to pick up on the fact that her new friend wasn’t a teenage boy, but rather a 30-year-old woman? Maybe the voice would have been a little bit of a giveaway? Just a bizarre story all the way around……….

- What happens when the law fights the law? Of course the law wins, duh. A Puerto Rican police officer found this out the hard way when he was arrested and charged with carrying out a $515,000 armored-car heist with three relatives and a fifth conspirator. The irony is that this police officer was actually assigned to the Drug Enforcement Association task force on the island nation, meaning he was entrusted with carrying out a major, important portion of the law enforcement activity in Puerto Rico. Apparently being part of a D.E.A. task force doesn’t pay all that well, though, because otherwise this dude would not have been going around with four of his buddies knocking off armored cars and robbing them. Do you ever get the feeling that those among us who are charged with enforcing the law are some of the most corrupt and unlawful people in society? I know I get that impression quite a bit…………..

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