Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why taking your clothes off for a skin rag makes you a skank, why Rosie is running scared and why a crushed velvet suit is a bad fashion choice

- I don’t know Kristine Lefebvre, but I’m still going to call the former Apprentice contestant a liar. Lefebvre has agreed to pose in an upcoming issue of Playboy and like many skanks who pose for a skin rag, she’s trying to claim that her decision has altruistic motivations. Lefebvre, a cancer survivor, tried to claim that posing nude is an attempt to encourage other cancer survivors. It may be many things, but a motivational action for other cancer survivors is not one of them. A cash grab? Yes. A publicity grab? Yes. An attempt to launch your acting career with some national notoriety? Yes. A good-hearted attempt to inspire other cancer survivors? No. I don’t think anyone who has survived cancer will see this and say, “Hey, that reality show loser Kristine Lefebvre took her clothes off and whored herself out for hundreds of thousands of porn-loving losers to gawk at, I’m really inspired to do something great with my life!” I know when you do something that most everyone sees as degrading, debasing and slutty in exchange for money you feel the need to spin it and try to assign some higher motive to it, but this is just offensive. Don’t try to play the cancer survivor angle as a justification for taking your clothes off for a magazine, not if you really want to show cancer survivors the respect they deserve. Lance Armstrong won seven Tour de France races, maybe try something like that instead……..

- Some days, life hands you a great big present wrapped in shiny gold paper with a big red bow on it, and this is one of those days. The ever-uncouth Rosie O’Donnell has dared open her mouth and speak out against her arch nemesis, Donald Trump, which can mean only one thing: a verbal beatdown from the Donald is on the way. O’Fat launched into an anti-Donald tirade at the Matrix Awards luncheon thrown by NY Women in Communications, concluding her rant by grabbing her crotch and yelling, “Eat me!” Umm, I speak for all humans, male and female, when I say I’ll take a pass on that, Rosie. She also sarcastically said she was disappointed when Trump accurately described her as fat and disgusting because it has always been her dream to be found arousing by an old, ugly billionaire. So Rosie has a linguistic salvo coming from the Donald, and she’s taking evasive maneuvers. The announcement came down today that O’Fat and The View have not been able to reach terms on a new contract, meaning she will be leaving the show. First, I should mention that this is a total lie. The BS about a contract is a ruse, because the truth is that O’Fat knows she screwed up in opening her fat, ugly, uneducated pie hole to snipe at Trump and now she’s diving for cover. Unfortunately for her, there is nothing to hide behind that is large enough to cover her ginormous ass and she’s going to take a hit. After the last round the Donald fired, where he basically sounded like he was ordering his lunch off of the menu at Denny’s while running off how O’Fat was a slob, weak, ugly, stupid and a waste of airtime for Babs Walters’ show, this next round should be an epic smackdown.

- You’ll hear me comment on fashion about once every decade maximum, but a quick question here: how do you show up at a post-game NBA press conference wearing a dark red, crushed-velvet suit, Antoine Walker? Can't you afford something that doesn’t make you look like an Austin Powers wannabe? I don’t care if you’re a famous athlete and you’re 6’8, pushing 250 pounds, you’re not big enough or tough enough to pull that off. Some athletes like to fancy themselves as fashion connoisseurs, but that’s not fashionable, bro, it’s just ridiculous.

- If you weren't already sick about the current war of choice for the United States (Iraq), take a moment to consider a debacle in the making from another conflict we’re involved in. The conflict in Afghanistan is actually based on a justifiable reason (the whole terrorism thing and all that jazz), but now a terrible disgrace like the sham surround the death of former Army Ranger Pat Tillman is being brought to light. Tillman’s death was hailed as heroic and as the result of enemy fire, but now we’re learning that Army officials perpetrated that lie on us all, including Tillman’s family, in order to further their own goals. Instead of telling the truth about Tillman’s death (friendly fire), the Army and the W. administration built it up as a firefight that took the life of a brave soldier and used that fictitious story to bolster recruitment efforts and raise support for the war. Never mind honoring the memory of an honest, courageous man who fought and died, they needed to make their cause look good and they didn’t need the negative attention from a soldier killed by his own men. But these are the same people we’re trusting to execute the war in Iraq and be up front with us about the state of the war, whether it is justified or not and when it should end? Pardon me if I refuse to believe another thing coming from the mouth of our Ass Clown in Chief when it comes to any war we fight, he and his minions have proven time and again that they will lie to anyone and everyone in order to further their own twisted ideals and agendas. Any luck finding those WMD’s yet, W.? Didn’t think so…….

- I don’t argue that raising money for children living in extreme poverty in America and abroad is a bad idea. It’s a great cause and it’s something more people need to be a part of. That being said, if I’m LeBron James, Shaquille O’Neal or any other famous athlete, there’s not a snowball-on-the-sun’s chance that I’m appearing on American Karaoke to help raise money for anything. James and O’Neal are among the athletes who filmed vignettes of themselves dancing and singing to the Bee Gees’ Staying Alive, to be aired tonight on AK as part of fund-raising efforts for organizations helping impoverished children worldwide. Relief programs for impoverished children need money, but there has to be a better way to do it than this. Now, if you want to remove American Karaoke from the air permanently, then I’m not only willing to listen, I’ll gladly open my checkbook and write you out a check for as much as I can give. As much as impoverishes children need help with food, housing, medical care and clothing, the need to eradicate the plague known as American Karaoke from our planet is nearly as big of a need. By agreeing to tape a segment for the show, all James and O’Neal are doing is perpetuating this most egregious of affronts to music and culture in general. They aren't the ones who will suffer, though; their reputations are strong enough to withstand being associated with this hack job of a reality show. The rest of us will suffer because this means we are now ever further away from being rid of this musical menace.

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