Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Greek, One Tree Hill reviews and Amy Winehouse still troubled

- No. No, no, no. That would be the one and only acceptable response by Congress to the latest war-funding request from our Ass Clown in Chief W. He’s sent a $70 proposal to Congress to keep the Mess O’Potamia, his own personal Vietnam, running through the spring of 2009. The proposal also covers funding for a war that actually is justified, the one in Afghanistan that is consistently taking a backseat to the debacle in Iraq. Congressional analysts say this new measure would bring the total spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a whopping $875 billion. Imagine what the bulk of that money could do if it weren’t being wasted fighting a fraudulent war based on false pretenses in Iraq! Heck, we might have been able to put that money from that misguided endeavor into the battle in Afghanistan and actually accomplish our goals there AND have funds left over to address a country whose economy is going down the crapper under the (mis)guidance of the worst president we’ve ever had! The bad news here is that the president has Congress over a barrel on this issue, as Democrats are likely to capitulate to his demands in order to avoid a major battle as they try to shift their focus to the elections in November. I say you suck it up, you spineless Democrat bastards. Fight this thing and don’t give this lying, manipulating, Constitution-ignoring a-hole another dime for his own personal Vietnam for the duration of his term in office. This war isn’t going to end until someone has the kahones to stand up to this idiot and force him to back down. That needs to be your, Congress, and the time for it is now.

- It was the invasion of the parents last night on Greek. Freshmen Parents weekend was in full effect, creating no shortage of headaches for Rusty Cartwright, his roommate Dale, Rusty’s fellow pledges at Kappa Tau and even his sister Casey. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, both professors, came with a very defined, structured idea of what college should be like for their two children and what their kids should be up to at college. Suffice it to say that being a part of a fraternity or sorority wasn’t high on that list. Not helping matters was the fact that Rusty fibbed when telling them about Kappa Tau, saying it was a responsible, service fraternity. When his parents arrived on campus at Cyprus Rhodes, Rusty didn’t even plan to take them by the frat house so he could continue keeping the truth from them. However, an encounter with Beaver, a.k.a. Charles, exposed Rusty’s plan and he was forced to bring his parents to the Kappa Tau barbecue along with all of the other frat parents. Before the Cartwrights could make it there, though, they stopped by the Zeta Beta Zeta sorority to see Casey. She was busy hosting the sorority’s tea for visiting parents of their own freshmen, including Rebecca Logan’s father, the senator. As Casey bent over backwards to accommodate the senator, Rebecca did her own job of bending, doing everything in her power to keep her father from meeting her boyfriend, the immortal Cappie. She didn’t want their relationship exposed to the “meet the parents” microscope, which Cappie accepted until Rebecca found out that her father was having an affair with one of his aides and decided to use Cappie to piss her dad off as retaliation. Cappie figured out what she was up to and left her hanging at the Kappa Tau barbecue. The barbecue did a great job of fooling Rusty’s parents and the parents of the other KT freshmen, thanks to some last-minute cleaning and a faux buttoned-up atmosphere that included a ginormous banner in the foyer proclaiming it to be an actual service fraternity. Rusty almost pulled off fooling his parents but was done in by Casey, who couldn’t take any more of her parents praising Rusty, their favorite child, for being part of such an amazing group of upstanding young men. Casey literally whipped her car around, made a U-turn and ambushed Rusty at the KT house as they kicked off the real party that started once all of the parents left. When Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright saw the fraternity their son really belonged to, they demanded that he quit immediately. Rusty decided to stand up to them and told them he wasn’t quitting and also that they neded to show more respect to Casey for all she had accomplished, especially with her sorority. Part of Rusty’s epiphany came from Dale’s experience with his parents, who were every bit as stereotype-fulfilling and one-dimensional as Dale has been on the show. They too are fanatical religious zealots, people whose idea of the ideal movie is The Passion of the Christ and whop are so overbearing and doting that they literally roomed with Dale for the entire weekend, sleeping on air mattresses in his dorm room, following him around campus to every class, photographing his every move and being as completely embarrassing as possible. When Dale felt guilty for wanting some time away from them, Rusty reminded him that going to college, growing up and getting separation from his parents wasn’t a crime. That led Rusty to stand up to his own parents, who relented and agreed he could stay in the fraternity. Cappie and Rebecca made peace as well, with Rebecca admitting that she “maybe, quite possibly…cares about” Cappie. A.W.O.L. from the episode were Calvin, Evan Chambers and the rest of the Omega Chi house. But a fun episode, a lot of laughs and the fun hour I’ve come to count on from Greek. So until next time, kiddos…..

- Cold-hearted bastards and b*tches seemed to be the unofficial theme of One Tree Hill last night. With last week’s bombshell that Dan Scott has a fatal heart problem and has six months or less to live unless he gets a transplant, emotions were bound to be running high this week. Dan’s continued pleas to be included in the lives of sons Nathan and Lucas and of his grandson Jamie fell on deaf ears even as Lucas sought out Dan’s doctor to make sure he really was telling the truth about his condition and found out that Dan wasn’t lying. Dan continued to push for inclusion into his sons’ lives, mostly in the hopes of mending the relationships he destroyed when he murdered his brother Keith. Nathan turned Dan down at every stop, even when Dan showed up at the gym while Nathan was shooting hoops with Jamie. Lucas went to visit Dan as well and told him that even if Dan was dying, he was already dead to most of the people in life so it didn’t really matter. Both sons steadfastly refused to allow Dan back into their lives, with Lucas saying over and over that dying couldn’t happen to a better guy and that it was what Dan deserved. Nathan’s wife Haley was fighting her own Dan-related battle, trying to fend off Jamie when he kept asking about his grandfather and wanting to know why Dan wasn’t at his birthday party. Haley finally figures out a solution: allow Jamie to write Dan a thank-you note for his birthday gift. Even then, she simply throws the note in the trash after Jamie gives it to her, making her the third cold, hard b*tch/bastard of the show for the night. Coming in as the fourth member of that club is Lucas former fiancĂ©e Lindsey, who gets a visit from Peyton as Peyton tries to help fix Lucas and Lindsey’s broken relationship despite being the primary cause of the trouble. Lindsey wants none of it, handing Peyton a copy of Lucas’ new book and tells her to read it and see who he’s really in love with Lindsey also rejects an online video chat invitation from Lucas, showing she can be as cold and hard as the rest. Peyton’s trip all the way to New York to see Lindsey on the apparently magical, affordable flight always running from Tree Hill to NYC came after she went through her own hard day. It began when Lucas showed up early to go with Brooke and baby Angie, the infant she is temporarily in custody of while Angie is in the U.S. for necessary heart surgery. Peyton walks out of her room in her pajamas, nappy hair and all, the perfect start to her day. She then spends time in her new recording studio with Haley, who is working on her new album. Peyton then jets off to New York for her talk with Lindsey. Staying in Tree Hill is Mouth McFadden, whose decision to turn down an on-air position in Omaha so he can remain with girlfriend Millie has him treading water at work for now. But Mouth sees his fortunes change when his boss at the TV station asks him to fill in for the regular sports anchor who is sick. Mouth accepts the challenge but in the first of three hourly sports reports for the night, he bombs out as Millie watches on TV and sees him stumble. She comes to the station to boost his morale and in the second report of the night, he hits a home run and all is right in his world. He even tells Millie he loves her, a gesture she returns. Making a return of his own in Quentin Fields the talented-but-trouble basketball star that Lucas has kicked off the Tree Hill team and seen return once already this season. With his shooting hand in a cast for six weeks and his team’s playoff chances looking bleak, Quentin decides it’s time for him to quit. He reconsiders when Nathan talks to him and challenges him not to give up, which with encouragement for Jamie and Lucas’ new role for Q that will allow him to play injured is enough to bring back the egotistical star player. The strategy is to use Quentin as the team’s point guard and to have the team shoot all three-pointers and play a fast-paced game to compensate for their lack of a good low-post player. This was another good episode, which is kind of leading me to believe that when the show made its leap ahead in time four years from last season to this one, it just took time for it to find its groove in this new setting. Now that it has, the episodes are consistently good, as good as they’ve been at any time during the show’s run on the WB/CW. We’ll continue this discussion next week, though….

- Coming off of a lackluster season in which he bombed out as the featured running back for the Chicago Bears, you might think Cedric Benson would spend his offseason in the gym, busting his ass to get in top shape and working on his game so he could push his per-carry average past that elusive 3.5 ypc mark. But noooo, my friend, not the case. Instead of trying to prove he’s not a ginormous bust of a high draft pick and to silence the critics who say he’s a waste of time and money, Benson is taking, shall we say an alternate approach to his problems. That alternative would seem to be getting liquored up, getting into his super-expensive boat and going out on the water back in his home state of Texas. That’s where law enforcement just outside of Austin found my man C. Benson Saturday night, drunk off his ass and driving his boat around Lake Charles. When the Lower Colorado River Police observed his erratic driving and stopped him to see what the problem was, things went from bad to worse. Benson was clearly intoxicated and when the cops had the audacity to point that out to him, Benson became belligerent. He battled the officers who tried to arrest him and wound up getting hit not only with the charge of boating under the influence but also resisting arrest. He is alleged to have failed multiple sobriety tests, been hit with pepper spray by the arresting officers and released early Sunday morning. Benson is claiming the police accont of the incident is untrue and that he was wrongfully assaulted by the police after they took him from his boat onto theirs. Either way, spectacular work, Cedric. You clearly did something wrong, maybe not to the extent the police allege, but still, they didn’t just board your yacht, hassle you and beat you up for the heck of it. But this incident will definitely prove to everyone that you really are serious about turning your career around and earning the massive contract you got as the fourth overall pick in the 2005 draft! Well, either that or it will reinforce the fact that you’re an ignorant, irresponsible, reckless idiot who isn’t dedicated to anything except getting his drink on and partying the offseason away so he can come back this fall and deliver another mediocre year for his team. Have fun with that, Ced, because you’re the only one who’s going to…..

- Not that I don’t appreciate anything that will keep Amy Winehouse from singing on the soundtrack, but the explanation given by her producer for why her track for the movie won't happen is bogus. With reports circulating that Winehouse was finishing a song to appear in the new Bond flick Quantum of Solace, producer Mark Ronson said it would “take a miracle” for the song to be completed in time for the release of the soundtrack. He added that Winehouse “just isn’t ready to record any music” and just last week received a warning from police after another crazy night out. See, that’s where I have a problem with what Ronson is selling. My man, your girl Amy has never been ready to record anything close to resembling music, but that’s never stopped her before. The things she’s put out don’t even resemble music, but rather a drunken, slurred, brain-damaged mimicking of Bob Dylan on his worst day. As best I can tell, there are no actual lyrics to any of Winehouse’s “songs,” just a bunch of incoherent, indecipherable syllables slurred together over some recycled, sampled notes from other pop music. On top of that, all of those efforts have apparently been while she was either drunk or coked up, so why would being in that state now be enough to prevent her from recording? What, are you concerned that she’s going to be less understandable and less clear? Give whatever explanation you want, just not that one. I’m fine with whatever it takes to keep from singing, but give me a plausible explanation next time.

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