Friday, January 25, 2008

X-Games, Pakistani oppression and Lost news

- Welcome back, independent television stations of Pakistan. This week saw the return to air of the country’s most prominent private television station, completing a successful return from suppression for all private TV stations in Pakistan that had been banned by dictator, er, President Pervez Musharraf as he and his ruling party seek to silence opposition voices, er, provide a “fair” playing field for the country’s upcoming presidential election. Actually, let’s just shoot straight on this one and all admit that Musharraf is doing his best Saddam Hussein and trying to shut up anyone in his country who disagrees with him. Unfortunately for my man P. Musharraf, the outcry was so overwhelming and his actions so reprehensible that he had almost no choice but to reverse field. Score one for free speech in Pakistan, and a win for free speech anywhere in the world is a win for us all.

- A few days ago, I ripped Americans for happily accepting the gift of a day off on Martin Luther King Day while not at all celebrating the holiday and honoring what King stood for. However, as anti-MLK Day as that stance might seem, let’s all be thankful that I’m nowhere near as nutty as those wacky white supremacists in Jena, La., the 50 a-holes who organized a sad, pathetic little march in this tiny town to protest that fact that there is a holiday to honor one of the great civil rights leaders in our nation’s history. It’s one thing to say people don’t actually recognize the holiday for its intended purpose, but it’s an entirely different thing to be so bigoted, small-minded and ignorant that you’re protesting the honoring of a great man like Dr. King simply because of his skin color. That has always been and will always remain one of the single most ignorant, idiotic beliefs in the world, that something like race or gender is any factor at all in a person’s worth as a human being. You suck, white supremacists, so please just go away.

- Good plan, low-IQ gas station clerk in South Charleston, W. Va. No one was ever going to catch on to the fact that you were selling gas to your family and friends at a mere tenth of a penny per gallon while the rest of us are paying upwards of $3 per gallon. I know being a West Virginia native is a strike against you IQ-wise (just messin’ with ya, West Virginians), but how the frak can you think this plan has a snowball-in-the-desert chance of success? Madeline Jordan, who has clearly used very few of her 25 years on this Earth to acquire any sort of intelligence and knowledge, tried to pull off this scheme and might have gotten away with stealing $50,000 worth of gas….if not for the fact that it’s the single most moronic plan I’ve ever heard of. “Hmm, we’re about $50,000 short on the revenues we should be getting from gas sales at one location in South Charleston. Know what, it’s probably just a mathematical error and it’s only $50,000, so just forget about it.” Yeah, I bet that’s how the conversation at the BP corporate accounting office went. Either that or they figured out that someone was stealing from them and it took them all of an hour to figure out who. Enjoy jail, Madeline, you deserve your time there for sheer stupidity alone.

- All you Lost¬-heads out there who just can’t get enough scrutinizing of your favorite show to the nth degree, this coming Wednesday is a night for you. On that night, at 9 pm/ET, 24 hours before Lost (at long last) launches its Season 4, ABC will present an enhanced rebroadcast of the Season 3 finale in which a flash-forward revealed that Jack, and Kate, both make it off the island. The special presentation of the "Through the Looking Glass" episode will feature text on the "lower third” offering up back story, clues and other assorted on-screen facts. So all of you who TiVo the show each week and analyze every frame, every object in the background and every single oddity of every episode, have at it. I’m not sure that I’ll watch, mostly because I find the most joy in watching each episode as it comes and digesting it at that point. Plus, I’m still bitter that the freaking CW has to moronically bring back another of my faves, Smallville, on the same night Lost comes back for two hours and thus forces me to choose between the two (which will mean taping Smallville to watch later). Next to no shows have new episodes, but you idiots manage to clash two of the best against one another, amazing…..

- I am a sucker for Winter X-Games action. Previously I haven’t been a big fan of Winter X (or Summer X for that matter), but I’ve caught some of the action so far this week on ESPN and the snowmobile and freestyle skiing events are flat-out awesome. Seeing these guys (and girls) do tricks twenty feet up in the air on snowmobiles and not kill themselves is great. Unfortunately, ESPN is limiting Winter X coverage to a couple of hours a day, not nearly enough. Here are the times it’s on for this week:

Thu. Jan. 24, 2008
9-11:00 p.m.
Snowmobile Speed & Style Final, Ski SuperPipe Men's Final

Fri. Jan. 25, 2008
9:30-11:30 p.m.
Snowmobile SnoCross Round 1, Women's Snowboard SuperPipe Final, Ski Big Air Final

Sat. Jan. 26, 2008
3-6:00 p.m.
Snowboarder X Finals, Snowboard Slopestyle Finals, Snowmobile SnoCross Round 2

9-11:00 p.m.
Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Elimination, Snowmobile SnoCross Final, Snowboard Big Air Final

Sun. Jan. 27, 2008
2-6:00 p.m.
Skier X Finals, Snowmobile Freestyle Elimination, Ski Slopestyle Elimination & Final, Mono Skier X Final

9:00 -11:00 p.m.
Snowmobile Freestyle Final, Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Final

I know it’s not a ton of coverage, but seeing this athletes combine winter sports with the X-Games flair will rock if you give it a chance. Tune in and see what I’m talking about.

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