Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Karma for the Yankees, karma for Elisabeth Hasselbeck and undeserved suffering for fans of good music everywhere

- Irony is great, especially when it’s coming back to bite the New York Yankees in the arse. On the same day that their would-be savior for the 2007 season, Roger “Pocket Rocket” Clemens made his third much-ballyhooed minor league rehab start, this time at AAA Columbus, with overwrought, intense media coverage of every single pitch, the big-league Yankees suffered yet another loss to drop into last place tie with Tampa Bay. This loss came north of the border, 7-2 to Toronto, and it gives the Bronx Bombers a hearty 21-28 record, a tally that puts them whopping 13.5 games behind first place Boston. What I wouldn’t give to hear Clemens’ thoughts as he rushes to get to New York only to see the team he’s going to help plummeting so far down in the standings that not even Nolan Ryan and Cy Young in their primes could save the season. This could be quite possibly the best baseball season of my life if I have the distinct pleasure of watching that pompous, egotistical bastard Clemens as he suffers through an entire summer of pitching for a terrible team that is continually fighting to stay out of last place. Well, it might not be quite as pleasant as seeing Clemens blow out his elbow or rotator cuff and have to watch the same spectacle from the bench, but it’s a close second.

- It’s sad that we need this, but unfortunately it’s something that all states should follow suit with. The state legislature in Texas has given final approval to a bill that would establish random mandatory testing for performance enhancing drugs for all high school athletes, and the bill will now go to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature. The testing would go into place at the start of this next school year, and while I’m sure all of the tweakers and ‘roid heads in the state’s high schools are cursing under their breath at the thought of random testing, this is a bill that will do a lot of good. If you think there aren’t high school kids emulating their professional athlete heroes and trying to get an edge by using steroids, you’re either extremely naïve or just very wrong, and it doesn’t matter which. If all states would institute testing, the number of kids using steroids would decrease (but unfortunately not all the way to where the tally should be, zero) and not only would that eliminate a lot of cases where high school kids suffer health problems due to steroid usage, it would eliminate a lot of problems that won't pop up until later on in life when these kids become adults and see their bodies fall apart because of what the ‘roids have done to their insides. Also, if you break this kids of that habit of ‘roiding up now, hopefully they will stay away from the steroids as they progress in their athletic careers. Props to Texas for doing something about a problem that too many people are willing to ignore.

- Pakistani Justice Update: Last week I wrote about a Pakistani couple who married to avoid the woman being sold off for marriage to pay her uncle’s gambling debts, only to have the woman’s father demand the dissolution of the marriage based on the fact that the husband used to be a man and had a sex-change operation 16 years ago. The couple has been sentenced to three years in prison for lying to the court about the nature and history of their marriage/sex change bidness. The ruling was based largely on the fact that court-appointed doctors who examined the man/it in question ruled that the previous operations he/it had were not complete and that Shumail Raj, the being of questionable gender, is in fact still a woman. Honestly, even writing that last sentence creeps me out substantially and I don’t like the potential mental imagery it could generate for anyone reading this, so let’s just move on.

- I hope I’m not the only one who finds it infinitely disturbing that the Pussycat Skanks, er, Dolls, are going to be back on the CW this fall for another round of their reality show: The Search for the Next Skank to Sing Our Inane, Shallow Lyrics and Dress Like a Hooker. What exactly does it say about your group that you can come back for a second year and use the cesspool that is reality TV as the means of locating another member to plug into your group? Even a crappy band like INXS only did one season and one search for a new member via reality TV. If you can and will come back for a second go round, it only shows that you are an artificial, contrived musical malady that has no artistic integrity and no ability to survive on its own merits. You come back for a second season because you need it to generate publicity and attention for your piece of crap group and you come back because your band is so pathetic that you can just churn out another assembly-line style member through an unwatchable reality show. I didn’t think it was possible for bad music to ruin the postseason of an entire professional sport, but the Pussycat Skanks are doing just that because ABC is using them to sing intro music for NBA playoff games, and now we’ll be subjected to another season of their piss-poor reality show? Can’t say it’s huge surprise, though, what with the Crappy Watching (CW) network the one making the decision to bring them back.

- When you put good out into the world, you do indeed get good things in return. Elisabeth Hasselbeck knows this, because after she did us all a huge favor by expediting Rosie O’Fat’s exodus from The View, Mrs. Hasselbeck got a great present: O’Fat says she is never going to speaker to Lizzie again. In my book, that’s about as big a present as anyone can get, never having to talk to a fat, ugly, crude, crass, unintelligent, belligerent, militant lesbian with a bad haircut like Rosie O’Fat. I think O’Fat meant it as a threat and in a negative sense when she made the promise, but I’d venture to guess that Hasselbeck and myself aren't the only ones who would be thankful if that flabby, fugly pig of a human being promised to never talk to us again. All Hasselbeck did was dare to stand up to O’Fat when she started throwing around accusations about where Hasselbeck stood on the war in Iraq, and when Hasselbeck stood up for herself and demanded that Rosie let her speak, Rosie had a combination meltdown/hissy fit. “I haven't spoken to her, and I probably won't, and it’s just as well,” blabbered O’Fat in a posting on her website. Actually, O’Fat, what would be just as well would be if you promised to go away and never, ever appear on TV, radio, on stage or in public ever again and we never had to see your pudgy, misshapen mug in any form again, ever.

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