Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Celebrity divorces, more W stupidity

- I know I’ve been riding this horse really hard, but if you’re not watching Veronica Mars on Tuesday nights on the CW, you’re missing what has been the highlight of the young TV season. I’ll never be a person who yells at other people to tell them they have to watch a show, but I just can't think of one that’s had more excitement, intrigue, smart humor and just great storylines than this one has. On the surface, a show about a college-age girl who moonlights as a P.I. with her investigator father would seem to have limited appeal, but the show is more than good enough to work beyond that. Kristen Bell, Enrico Colantoni, Jason Dohring and Tina Majorino, among others on a stellar cast, are four great reasons to watch, and if you haven't been watching up to this point, to buy the DVD’s from the first two seasons and get on board.

- Last week, when President Bozo, i.e. W, seemed to be vacillating on the issue of what to do in Iraq, I stupidly held out a shred of hope that in listening to dissenting viewpoints, this buffoon might make the right choice and set in motion a plan to get American military personnel out of a place they don’t belong. As stupid as I was to have even a glimmer of hope for that, W proved himself to be even dumber, declaring that he won't withdraw troops “until the mission is complete.” What “complete” means or when it might be achieved……..well, W wasn’t so clear on that. Instead, he tried to foist blame on al-Qaeda for the recent attacks in Iraq. Good strategy there, Mr. President, try to play the terrorism card, just like you did in attempting to judtify invading Iraq in the first place. Every time you start to forget just how incompetent this guy is, he serves up a fresh, massive reminder for you.

- Not a lot to say about the Kid Rock-Pam Anderson divorce, so I’ll move on to related topics rather than dwell on something that was inevitable. Has Kid Rock even made an album in the past five years? Seriously, he had a few popular songs back around the turn of the century, was on the music award show circuit for a while and then disappeared. He did pioneer the return of the wife beater to prominence in the wardrobe of many men worldwide, but what else has he been up to? And from now on, let’s stop reporting on celebrity divorces because those things are a dime a dozen and happen at a faster rate than flops by soccer players in World Cup games. Instead, why don’t we focus on reporting when celebrity couples don’t get divorced, y’know, make a big deal out of three or six month anniversaries, just like an overzealous girlfriend who insists on commemorating every small occasion or milestone?

- What would any day be without a report of pointless violence and misdirected anger resulting in an innocent person killed or hospitalized? In recent weeks, it’s been a bar brawl over a man’s failure to wash his hands after using the restroom, a football fan shot and killed after a dispute with a friend over a bet the two had made…….and now a man shanking his co-worker because he mistakenly though that co-worker had put motor oil on his PB & J. Jeremy Gordon was none too happy to find the offending motor oil on his sandwich, and thinking that Patrick McManomy had done the deed, he stabbed McManomy twice in the leg with a 4-inch blade. Oddly enough, it wasn’t McManomy who put the motor oil on the sandwich, but either way, Gordon is staring at a nice assault conviction. Again I ask, who doesn’t love it when people are maimed or killed for not washing their hands, welching on a $20 bet or being wrongfully suspected of a harmless prank? Good times.

- If Stockholm wasn’t on my travel agenda before, it sure is now. How can I possibly ignore a place that, come 2008, will have a museum dedicated solely to the musical phenomenon that is……..ABBA. Yes, folks, I said ABBA. The Swedish sensation that rocked, well, to be honest, underwhelmed music lovers worldwide a couple decades ago is going to have a museum honoring it, proving once and for all that Sweden doesn’t really have anyone to honor and they’re now just pulling random names from a hat. Apparently the museums creators will receive access to significant amounts of exclusive memorabilia from the group and expects to museum to draw 500,000 people annually………right. I think I’ll take the under on that figure, because I’m guessing the number will be closer to 50,000 than 500,000. What, is there no push to build a museum for the Swedish bikini team? Now that’s a museum that a larger number of Swedes might actually want to visit.

- Mark McGwire for the Hall of Fame? That’s a big topic in the baseball world right now, as the induction process that will lead up to next summer’s induction class is ongoing. This is the first year for Big Roid, er, Red, to be eligible, and I hope he is rejected this year and every year after. Spew all the crap you want about him never having failed a drug test, blah, blah, blah. He dragged baseball’s name through to mud by blatantly refusing to testify before Congress when asked directly about his own steroid use, hiding pathetically behind the crutch of “not talking about the past.” He’s a coward, and he was once found conclusively to have a bottle of a steroid precursor in his locker. At the time, Andro wasn’t illegal, but why would anyone doubt that Mac used roids? If he didn’t, why didn’t he offer any sort of plausible rebuttal to Congress? He’s the lasting image people will have of the Steroid Era in baseball, and him cowering and running from Congress is a more powerful mental picture than any home run he ever hit. And oh yeah, his .263 career batting average is pathetic, not to mention that once he roided, er, bulked up in the latter half of his career, his defense was laughable at best. I hope every single HOF voter passes on Mac every year from now until forever.

- Ready for Braille money? It could be on the way, thanks to the ruling by a federal court judge in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. that the government discriminates against the blind by making paper money that all feels the same. Political correctness strikes again, I’m afraid. One obvious suggestion is exchanging all paper money currently possessed by blind people for coins. After all, who doesn’t hate a pocket full of pennies and nickels? However, this may be a bit impractical and insensitive to the blind, so on to other issues. Here’s something; don’t blind people have to be driven a lot of places, what with being unable to operate a motor vehicle? Couldn’t those transporting them offer a little help. Or could they not ask for assistance from businesses they are using money? Maybe have a fanny pack for them with separate pouches for $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills? In all seriousness, I can see where it might be a problem for someone, not being able to tell if they are being given correct change, paying too much, etc. But why not just use a credit or debit card and save the trouble?

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