Friday, February 21, 2014

Dogs and humans hear emotions, the Black Keys and their hubris and Lyin' Ryan Braun in denial

- Hey world…if it’s all right with you, noted steroid cheater, liar and all-around Major League Baseball scumbag Ryan Braun would like to pretend it’s all good and just move on. Sure, Braun fueled an MVP season by jamming illegal performance enhancers into his body and lied about it repeatedly while ruining the reputation of the man who carried out his drug test and collected his sample. Yes, he made a fool out of everyone who supposed him, fought his initial suspension for PED use and won on a technicality – doing a virtual victory lap even though he knew he had indeed cheated – but that doesn’t mean you should continue bringing all of this up and asking him about it. Braun showed up Maryvale Baseball Park in Arizona for Milwaukee Brewers spring training and immediately started looking for ways to shake the stigma of a 65-game PED suspension that ended his 2013 season and severely tarnished his reputation. "I made a mistake,'' Braun said. "I deserved to be suspended. I took full responsibility for my actions. And as I've said many, many times, all I can do is look forward and continue to move forward. I wish I had the ability to go back to change things and do things differently. But unfortunately I don't have that opportunity.'' The 2011 National League MVP is officially back in for the first time since Major League Baseball suspended him on July 22 as part of an investigation into the Biogenesis anti-aging clinic in Miami and while he’s not the biggest PED villain around – thanks for that, Alex Fraud-riguez – Braun is the most visible one at the moment because Fraud-riguez is suspended for the 2014 season. What Braun forgets – or wants us to ignore – is that while he may be tired of talk about his cheating, when he took the cream and lozenge he used to rehabilitate from an injury he incurred during the 2011 season, he signed up for two things: enhanced recovery/strength and a lifetime of scrutiny and criticism if he were ever found out. He ended up getting both of those things and although he may want out of the deal, popping those PEDs inked his name on a contract that he can never get out of………

- Hugo Chavez no longer walks among the living, but his spirit is alive and bueno in Venezuelan politics. His hand-picked successor, current dictator/Presidente Nicolas Maduro, has the same low level of tolerance as his mentor and that’s why he had his top challenger jailed Tuesday on charges of inciting violence following a wave of anti-government protests. With the support of his regime and a court clearly under his thumb, Maduro is leading a charge that has opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez in custody pending further hearings. Lopez’s attorney, Bernardo Pulido, tweeted that the court had "confirmed the detention order.” Lopez is the leader of the opposition Popular Will party and while his wife and attorney were tweeting messages of hope and support, Lopez went through a charade of a hearing that was moved from the Palace of Justice in Caracas to the Ramo Verde prison, where Lopez has been held since he handed himself over to the authorities on Tuesday. Maduro has accused Lopez of fomenting a coup against his government and pinned a whole lot of sh*t on his rival in a nationally televised address. "Someone is responsible for every violent act that happens in this country. One of them is in jail," Maduro said in his speech. "The others will get there one by one, in the same way, to the same cell. I have no doubt of that.” Authorities initially ordered an arrest warrant for Lopez last week on charges of inciting violence after three people were shot in anti-government protests on Feb. 12. Lopez initially dropped out public view before posting a video message calling on his supporters to join him in a mass rally on Tuesday. He delivered an impassioned speech standing in front of a statue of Cuban independence hero Jose Marti and while clutching a white flower, he walked up to a line of National Guardsmen and turned himself in. It was a bold, moving scene and one that he will undoubtedly regret as Maduro’s regime goes about ruining his life…………

- America deserves major credit for having its priorities in order. For example, in a nation with a tanking economy, numerous social and cultural problems, omnipresent security concerns and a government incapable of actually doing its job at any level, it might seem like the people would focus their free time on one of these matters and not worry so much about frivolous issues. Think again. For some very desperate (and possibly alcoholic) people in northern California, something very important happened this week and they dropped everything to be on hand for it. That something was the annual release of a rare beer from Russian River Brewing Co. The name of the rare beer is Pliny the Younger, a play on the name of Pliny the Elder, the fabled ancient Roman nobleman, scientist and historian and author of “Naturalis Historia: Pliny's Natural Histor,” and his nephew, Roman orator Pliny the Younger. Pliny the Younger is a hoppier version of the brewery’s beloved but more common double IPA Pliny the Elder. The 10.25-percent alcohol triple India pale ale is released each February and this year marks the 10th anniversary of the acclaimed beer. How much do the drunken masses love this awesome ale? Enough to be extorted for $8 for each 8-ounce glass of it. To further drive up demand, Pliny the Younger is only available at select breweries and bars throughout California, most in and around the brewery’s hometown of Santa Rosa. “It is extremely difficult, time- and space-consuming, and very expensive to make,” the company said in a post on its website. “And that is why we don’t make it more often!” Some beer drinkers are so amped up about this particular brew that they make the pilgrimage to Russian River’s Santa Rosa headquarters to get their glass at the source every year. Even a rainy day wasn’t enough to drive away the lushes this year and because none of the annual brew is bottled and kegs are only released to a select few clients – usually rich folk in southern California – there won't be much of Pliny the Younger left by the end of the month. For anyone unable to throw away an entire day of their free time to drive to Sonoma County and wait in line, the only other option is to buy a ticket and wait in line at one of the limited locations that are able to obtain kegs………

- Someone has gotten a little too big for his own good, eh Black Keys frontman Dan Auerbach? Auerbach and Black Keys bandmate Patrick Carney have become one of the biggest rock bands in the world and they’ve fired verbal scuds at all sorts of musical rivals with their Grammys in hand and rock credibility in tow, but cracking on Nickelback is one thing and having such hubris that you believe you can work hand in hand with one of the biggest pop hacks around and escape unscathed is something else entirely. That’s where Auerbach now lives as the apparent producer of the new album from pop fraud Lana Del Rey. The album, “Ultraviolence” (so named because that’s what people forced to listen to it will want to do to their poor ears), is set to drop on May 1 and according to a photo Del Rey posted on Twitter Thursday, Auerbach either a) produced the album, b) is sleeping with her or c) both. Odds are that only the first option is true, but a photo of a hot female singer sitting on the lap of a rock star leaves plenty open to interpretation. The photo came with a grammatically stunted caption: "Me and Dan Auerbach are excited to present you Ultraviolence." Auerbach has produced a host of artists including Dr. John, The Growlers and Hanni El Khatib, but none so much of a bubble gum pop fabrication like Del Rey. On the positive side, at least Del Rey is excited about the results. "It's so good that it made me forget about the last record. I'm in love with it. I have that romantic feeling about it,” she said. Del Rey previously announced the title of the album at a launch party for her short film “Tropico” last year and she recently released “Once Upon a Dream,” the theme song from the soundtrack to the new Disney film “Maleficient.” Who knows where this dumpster fire of a career will go next……..

- Dogs not only hear sounds that man’s ears do not register, but according to new research from Hungary, they may also understand human emotions better than actual humans. A team led by Attila Andics of MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary compared the brain function of dogs and humans and showed that dogs have "voice areas" in their brains located in the same region as humans. This part of the brain in both dogs and humans is skilled at understanding the subtleties between human voice tones that express our different emotions. "Dogs and humans share a similar social environment," Andics said. "Our findings suggest that they also use similar brain mechanisms to process social information. This may support the successfulness of vocal communication between the two species." She and her team scanned the brains of 11 dogs with an fMRI scanner -- a device that measures brain activity – as the canines listened to nearly 200 dog and human sounds, including happy barking, crying and laughing.  The so-called voice area of both dog and human brings lit up when they heard the sounds and both groups also processed emotion-heavy sounds the same way. In one test, the primary auditory cortex was activated more when a happy sample was played more than a sad sound in both species. "This method offers a totally new way of investigating neural processing in dogs," Andics added. "At last we begin to understand how our best friend is looking at us and navigating in our social environment." There were a few differences in the study, namely that  39 percent of the dogs’ vocal regions were activated most by sounds made by dogs, and 48 percent lit up due to non-verbal noises. Just 13 percent responded the most to human vocalizations. Human skewed similarly to their own sounds, as 10 percent of human participants’ vocal regions were most activated due to environmental sounds, and just 3 percent responded the most to non-vocal noises. Still, people overly obsessed with their dogs because they have no lives or human friends can happily seize on this as evidence that dogs are really their actual children……….

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