Friday, October 18, 2013

Canadian rage, enraged college football players and Bieber needs to keep Metallica's name out his mouth

- The Biebs needs to take five ginormous steps back and keep Metallica’s name the hell out his mouth. The Biebs is obviously famous, he has obviously gotten there with a galling lack of musical talent thanks to the public’s even more galling taste in crappy pop music and on some level, that’s fine. Sing your garbage dance pop music, get a few tattoos to try to make yourself seem badass and allow teenage girls everywhere to swoon over you on a daily basis. While the world would be a better place if Justin Bieber just went away, if he just keeps doing his talentless pop hack thing and stays out of the real musicians’ way. However, when the Biebs shows up in a backstage video performing the single most despicable cover ever of one of the biggest rock bands in history’s best songs, then there’s a problem. The clip of the Canadian pop-singing tool “singing” Metallica’s “Fade to Black” is only 15 seconds long, but the sight of this ass hat playing air guitar while he tries to recreate the guitar solo from Metallica's 1984 original with his voice does enough damage in those 15 seconds to nearly wreck an iconic track. Perhaps all of this should come as no surprise, as the Biebs has previously revealed that he is a big fan of early Metallica and has cited “Fade to Black” and “One” as his favorite tracks. '"Those are my jams," he once said of the song. Excoriating him over this egregious musical party foul may not be enough, though, and so it is better to end with the words of Deadmau5, who recently branded Bieber a "spoiled bitch" following a row over the latter’s demands that hip-hop be played instead of dance music in a nightclub. A specific description that applies to the whole of Bieber’s life……..

- Life is not great for the Grambling State football team. Their coach was fired, their athletic department doesn’t have a director and now, school administrators are daring to make them travel by bus instead of plane to games in Kansas City, Mo., and Indianapolis. That’s a long bus ride from Louisiana and the prospect of making that trip with interim coach George Ragsdale was unappealing enough that the entire football team reportedly did not show up for practice Wednesday. A bad season that has featured losses in all seven of their games took a turn for the mutinous when the whole roster used a practice boycott to make their voices heard about their undesirable travel plans and the firing of coach Doug Williams in September. The boycott came less than 24 hours after a contentious meeting between the players and school administrators. The meeting reportedly became extremely negative and confrontational and the players walked out on university president Frank Pogue, athletic director Aaron James, student government president Jordan Harvey and Ragsdale. "[The administration] knew that emotions were raw," school spokesman Will Sutton said. "No matter what, it was going to be a challenge for the team to feel good after this season and last season. That's part of the reason why we have a new [athletic director] and are looking for a new football coach. The president wanted to make a point that the university supports and appreciates the team and these students and that the administration will do everything we need to do for the future success of the program." Williams was axed two games into the season after losing by a combined score of 71-19 in those contests and after a 1-10 season, he had run out of goodwill. Life won't get easier as the Tigers – if any of them show up – face Jackson State (5-2, 5-0) on Saturday. No one is quite sure what to expect from this mess next…….

- When an antagonistic a-hole puts up an offensive billboard in any city around the world, their aim is always the same and the plan is virtually foolproof. That person wants to say something completely over the line and get a response out of people who aren't smart enough to know better. That would be the plan of the anonymous author of a controversial new billboard put up Tuesday in northern Arkansas and the plan is already working perfectly. In fact, the billboard has begun to generate national attention in the three days since it went up along bypass 62-65 in Harrison. Its message is simple, grammatically incorrect and wholly transparent: "Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White." Aside from the fact that “Anti-Racist” is two words and not one, there are other problems with the billboard. No, one of them is not that it is actually racist in and of itself. The biggest issue is that the person behind it doesn’t have the kahones to put their name with whatever the message is supposed to be and explain what their intentions are. Oh, and the billboard stands in a town that has made years and years of efforts to distance itself from the ugly and hateful image of white supremacy. Heck, Harrison has its own diversity council and the local high school makes a point of promoting diversity to students. Yes, the person behind the billboard has a right to use his or her money to buy the billboard and put up whatever message they choose, but remaining anonymous is a straight-up coward move. So far, all this anonymous person has said about the billboard is that it is a political statement of some sort. Another statement was made by ESPN Radio, which had a billboard adjacent to this one but took its sign down once the “Anti-Racist” billboard went up. Well said, ESPN Radio……..

- What the eff has gotten into Canada? The maple syrup chuggers to the north are supposed to be placid, docile people who rock out to Bryan Adams, rock mullets without irony, have a closet full of denim and enjoy their round bacon. So why, then, are Canadian police saying they have arrested at least 40 people in eastern New Brunswick at the site of a protest over shale gas development that turned violent? Yes, fracking and natural gas are divisive issues and they can bring out the worst in people concerned about the water from their faucet bursting into flame, but in Canada? The power of fracking to get people f*cking pissed off should not be underestimated, as no less than the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called in to corral angry rioters, some of whom were arrested for firearms violations, threats, intimidation, mischief and violating a court-ordered injunction near Rexton. The day was decidedly rage-tastic, with at least five of the RCMP’s vehicles reportedly destroyed after they were set on fire. Why they didn’t all show up on their horses remains a mystery, but horses don’t always fare too well when Molotov cocktails are involved. Oh, and there was also at least one shot fired by someone who isn't a police officer, although police have not yet identified the shooter. The drama began when an injunction was granted for SWN Resources to store exploration equipment. An angry mob of rioters that included many aboriginals showed up to speak out against the arrangement and renew their demands that SWN Resources stop seismic testing and leave the province. Here’s hoping for more riots soon……..

- AT&T is always working on plans to gouge consumers for more money for communication services and so it is fortuitous that the comm giant has developed a new plan for tablet owners who do not maintain a monthly data plan for their device, but may find themselves in need of a temporary connection. These glorified day passes were announced by AT&T vice president Chris Penrose, who told a captive audience that the cheapest option will be a $5, 250 MB day pass, slotted alongside a plan that provides up to 1 GB of data over a three month period for a one-time $25 fee. Both plans are targeted toward users who would otherwise be reliant on a hotel’s wireless network or other public wireless system when on the road. "We really think that a Wi-Fi only tablet is good, but it is not good enough,” Penrose explained. He added that AT&T would "like to see tablet manufacturers build just one tablet," a single model equipped with a cellular radio. At present, most tablet makers offer two tablet versions — cellular-capable and Wi-Fi only — to reduce costs for anyone who doesn’t need their tablet to connect to a 3G or 4G network because they already have a phone, laptop and/or desktop that do so. Signing up for one of the new AT&T plans is as simple as accessing and completing the four-step purchase process using their AT&T SIM card. What some tablet owners may not know is that Apple has offered a $29.99-per-month unlimited data plan directly from the tablet's Settings app on a month-to-month basis using a credit card since the iPad’s debut in 2010. Now the house that Jobs built has some more competition……..

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