Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How "Legion" will stand apart, Romania wants to help the world and Notorious R.B.G. v. Kaepernick

- Hey Romania, is your house in order? It had better be if your president is out there offering his unwanted help to other countries trying to clean up rampant corruption within their governments. Sure, it seems nice that Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has offered to help Slovakia with its anti-corruption fight, saying graft harms the economy and can deter investment, but is this self-promoting politician really doing this without ulterior motives? Romania's president said "eradicating corruption is vital, because ... corruption is not just a threat to the consolidation of democracy. Corruption slows economic growth. Corruption frightens investors." Right, and you wouldn’t be looking to boost your own reputation, maybe contend for a Nobel Prize or position yourself as one of the great leaders of Europe with all of this, would you Klaus? According to Iohannis, he discussed ways to tackle corruption during a meeting with Slovak President Andrej Kiska and added that if Slovakia wanted information "or to know our model in greater detail, we are more than willing to share our experience with our partners in building organisms that are just as efficient." Oh, YOUR model. How very magnanimous of you, bro. According to Iohannis’ government, Romania's anti-corruption agency prosecuted 1,250 cases, including a former prime minister and five former ministers, and reported a conviction rate of 92 percent. Those numbers could totally be inflated or outright fabricated, but keep offering that help around and see if there are any takers……..

- Someone needs to tell the Notorious R.B.G. to stay in her lane. Sure, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the nine, er, eight most powerful legal voices in the United States, but just because she and her fellow justices have the authority to decide on all manner of legal issues and set precedents that are all but impossible to overturn doesn’t mean her opinion on every subject is valid. For example, when it comes to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and other players who have decided to kneel during the national anthem in protest of racial inequality, N.R.B.G. has some pointed thoughts that sound ill-reason at best and outright wrong at worst. ‘Would I arrest them for doing it? No. I think it's dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it's a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn't lock a person up for doing it,” Ginsburg said. Oh good, you, a Supreme Court justice who should know everything about the law, wouldn’t “lock someone up” FOR DOING SOMETHING THAT IS IN NO WAY ILLEGAL. Well done, genius. Would you also not lock people up for holding up a homemade sign in a protest march, exercising their First Amendment rights to vocally criticize police or government officials or for eating a sandwich? All of those are legal too, but maybe N.R.B.G. isn't a fan. "I think it's really dumb of them," Ginsburg added. “I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act. But it's dangerous to arrest people for conduct that doesn't jeopardize the health or well-being of other people. It's a symbol they're engaged in." Yes, it’s always dangerous TO ARREST PEOPLE FOR SOMETHING THAT IS IN NO WAY ILLEGAL. Thank God this Mensa is helping shape our country’s entire legal system……..

- This is on you, would-be paintball battalion commanders of the world. You think your little weekend color wars need to be as realistic as possible, so you demand that paintball gun manufacturers give you weapons that look and function just like the real thing, so they oblige and now, those manufacturers are in the crosshairs of lawmakers and police in the Nutmeg State. Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal and law enforcement officers possed up to kick off the week, gathering in New Haven to urge paintball gun makers to stop the sale of guns that look identical to genuine assault rifles. "These paintball guns, virtually identical to genuine assault rifles, are tragedies waiting to happen," Blumenthal said. "Federal law rightly requires clear markings on toy and facsimile firearms, but inexplicably exempts paintball guns." Blumenthal reiterated that the law requires orange markings to be placed on toy and facsimile firearms and cited recent occurrences in New Haven in which people carrying paintball guns resembling AK-47s have resulted in panicked 911 calls. Why anyone is wandering around toting an AK-47-like paintball gun in public is unclear, but Blumenthal sees it as a clear and present danger. "This law must be updated and strengthened, and I will be consulting law enforcement and safety experts as to specific steps," Blumenthal said. "In the meantime, paintball manufacturers should cease sale of these rifles until they develop clear markings along with shape and style changes to reduce the risk of mistaking these toys for the real thing." This war is just getting started……..

- Of course yours is different, Noah Hawley. Hawley is the creator of “Legion,” a TV spin-off series from the X-Men films, and he wants you to know that the show he’s crafting will be “very different” from the movie franchise, which might not be the wisest move. After all, the reason this show is getting a lot of run is its connection to the X-Men franchise, but there’s also the ego of a show creator wanting everyone to know that he’s putting his own unique stamp on the franchise and not merely following the predetermined pattern laid out by those who went before him. The show doesn’t air until next year, but the buzz is already building. Its star will be English actor Dan Stevens as psychiatric patient David Haller, who learns from a mysterious fellow patient that the voices he hears may be real and are from the X-Men universe. Hawley addressed the fanboy masses at New York Comic Con and laid out the ways in which his show will be new and different. “Legion is far away from the X-Men movies, but it still lives within that universe,” Hawley said. “The only way for X-Men to keep moving forward is to be original and to surprise us. This is really a surprise. It’s very different.” Oh, you’re going to reinvent everything? Even the comics on which the show is based, the one in which Haller has a special connection with X-Men leader Professor Charles Xavier? As for possible cameos from X-Men stars such as Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy, Hawley insisted his show needs to establish itself before bringing in any such big names. Keep telling yourself whatever you need, N., to convince yourself that yours is new, different and better……..

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