Friday, July 08, 2016

Bearcam is back, conspiracy theory kooks dog Stan Kubrick and Canada stays angry

- Canada, you’re really starting to worry the rest of us. First, a provincial court judge decided an indigenous woman who screamed out her hatred of white people before punching a white woman in the face didn’t commit a hate crime and now, Canadians are assaulting furry friends in the Great White North when they meet on the road. Rick Nelson, a Canadian former boxer who was walking his dog over the weekend when he was confronted by a 300-pound black bear protecting its cub, decided to respond in a decidedly un-Canadian way - namely by punching the bear in the snout when it got aggressive. Nelson, who is also a former bear hunter, happened across the animal in Sudbury, Ontario. His bear-hunting past let him know that most bears are right-handed (right-pawed?), so he knew to expect a stronger blow if the animal swung from the right. The animal reared up on its hind legs and readied itself to attack, so Nelson knew he had to take his opening. “I had the perfect shot to take,” he said. “I did an underhand and hit it right in the snout.” Faced with a Canadian who was anything but polite and demure and smarting with a bloodied snout, the bear decided not to fight and left the scene without further incident. “I’m really glad that the bear walked away, and I’m really glad I did, too,” Nelson said. He suffered cuts to his face and shoulder in the process, but that’s a better result than most end up with when they come face to face with a furry killer……..

- The NBA and its 30 teams may not be on the same page when it comes to the current salary cap and financial system that still allows super teams with multiple superstars to form, but at least everyone is unified when it comes to keeping time at games. The league, in tandem with official timekeeper Tissot, unveiled a new shot clock and integrated timing system at its summer league this week. This new-look shot clock mounted to the backboard includes the 24-second and game clocks as well as timeouts, making sure that all 30 NBA teams will use the same system. In order to improve aesthetics, the new system will also  feature the most transparent piece of glass to date, allowing fans seated within its sight line a less obstructed view through to the court. Perhaps motivated by increased scrutiny on referees, league officials wanted a clearer display of numbers, combined with an integrated system that automatically sends data to scoreboards and video equipment, to clear the way for more precise calls made by on-site referees and for those checking those calls at the NBA Replay Center. There are streamlined fail-safes as well, meaning one system can be replaced by its backup with the push of a button. There is no border around the new display and a solid yellow line will flash when the 24-second clock expires. Tissot gets to plaster its logo on all clocks and will deliver three shot-clock systems to each NBA arena by September. The 24-second shot clock has been around since the 1954-55 season, when Syracuse Nationals owner Danny Biasone created it to speed up games. Now, it’s all part of the moneymaking process and a chance to enhance the fan experience……..

- Speaking of bears….Alaska. Now that bears are in the middle of their active summer schedule. Alaska's Katmai National Park and are teaming up to stream the fourth season of their online reality show known simply as “Bearcam.” There are HD cameras set up throughout the park so people who like the idea of seeing bears in their natural habitat without any chance of getting mauled or eaten, this is a chance to watch hundreds of bears in action, catching salmon upstream and raising their young. "We hope people turn to this for inspiration and when they do, they will see lessons these creatures have for us -- about cohabitation, instinct and beauty," founder Charles Annenberg Weingarten said. Among the offerings in this scintillating summer show is a camera at Brooks Falls, where the National Park Service says you can "see the biggest, most dominant bears jockey for position" and "watch mother bears teach their cubs lessons in survival." In the past, “Bearcam” viewers have witnessed grizzlies slain and eaten, cubs rescued and cast away and riveting battles over fishing territories. One big change this season is a feature that allows viewers to take a snapshot of the live feed and share it, with daily contests to display the best screen captures. There will also be blog posts, Twitter sessions and live chats with park rangers. It’s part of the National Park Service’s 100-year anniversary, leading the agency to team up with, a philanthropic media organization, to promote one of its most appealing natural resources……….

- Ah, conspiracy theory kooks, dogging celebrities and public figures through their lives…and beyond. Yes, even when a person passes away, their absence from this life is not enough to silence the kooks on the fringe who believe that said public figures were involved in some sort of vast cover-up that fooled the whole world - except for those smart enough to see through the smoke screen. One of the overarching conspiracy theories that has persisted for decades centers on the belief that late, great film director Stanley Kubrick helped direct footage of the so-called "fake" moon landing some five decades ago. That notion received a wholly unnecessary jolt in 2012 with the documentary “Room 237,” which addresses how Kubrick's work, such as “The Shining,” makes reference to the idea that Kubrick aided the U.S. government in faking the first moon landing in 1969. Now, Kubrick’s daughter Vivian has addressed the matter on Twitter, writing that she was "too aware of the dreadful manipulations perpetrated by governments,” but insisting that her father would be "the very last person EVER to assist the US Government in such a terrible betrayal of its people.” She wondered on social media how anyone could “believe that one of the greatest defenders of mankind would commit such an act of betrayal,” stating the obvious in saying that she - unlike conspiracy theorists who like to toss around wild speculation - actually knew the famed director and asked the world to “forgive my harshness when I state categorically: the so-called 'truth' these malicious cranks persist in forwarding... is manifestly A GROTESQUE LIE." Calling them cranks is probably nicer than those tools deserve, but even that won't deter them from continuing to promote their belief that the moon landing was all one big life fabricated for reasons that have long since ceased to matter………

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