Thursday, November 22, 2012

Redneck college wrestlers, Susan Boyle gets a movie and China's 90-day skyscraper

- China just sent a new environmental satellite into space, now the Communist hell hole that tramples human rights by day and b*tch slaps them by night is looking to build a skyscraper that also approaches the cosmos. The company behind the attempt to build the world’s tallest skyscraper, China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp., is hoping to complete the project in just three months. Beginning in January, the company begins an über-tight construction schedule to build a 2,749-ft.-tall skyscraper consisting of 220 stories. The tower, dubbed Sky City, is located in the city of Changsha, in China’s southeastern Hunan province. The construction plan calls for five stories a day to be built, which is an astonishing rate, but if Broad Sustainable Building is successful, Sky City will be 32 ft. taller than the Burj Khalifa, the current tallest building in the world. Even more impressive, it would also be built 24 times quicker than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Once it is completed, Sky City will contain a school, hospital, 17 helipads and apartments for 30,000 people. Just don’t expect a stylized, personalized building because that’s not what Broad does. The company began as an air-conditioner manufacturer but has expanded to constructing prefabricated skyscrapers that go together like Erector Set pieces. Founder and chairman Zhang Yue predicates his concepts on earthquake-resistant building designs and 95 percent of the designs are prefabricated in the company’s factories in Hunan province. Through September, the company had built 17 of the prefab structures, all but one in China. One of its structures, a 15-story hotel, went up in two days and a 30-story tower in just 15. Like Broad’s other structures, Sky City’s floors will have less concrete than most skysrcapers and its support beams will contain less steel, reducing its weight and increasing its earthquake resilience. According to Zhang, his buildings are meant to withstand a 9.0-magnitude quake. Never mind if they look like cookie-cutter crap……….

- In a cinematic development that zeros and zeros of people have been looking forward to, former reality karaoke show contestant Susan Boyle’s life story is set to be turned into a film. Yes, the overweight and insanely pale Scottish singer who bumbled her way into the public’s consciousness during the 2009 series of “Britain's Got Talent” and managed to be almost completely forgotten since then has somehow secured a deal to have her disturbing tale turned into a movie. Boyle has high hopes for the project and reportedly is hopeful that George Clooney will suddenly decide to slum it and star in the film as her manager. "It’s wishful thinking. But it’s Hollywood…anything can happen,” Boyle delusionally said. She previously expressed a desire to have British actress Julie Walters play her in the film adaptation of her life. "We are in the middle of negotiations just now for a film about my life. There’s only one person I’d love to play me – and that’s Julie Walters. She would do the job and you just know she would do my story justice," she added. In he mean time, Boyle and her label are attempting to promote her latest gawd-awful album of unlistenable music, “Standing Ovation.” Hopefully no one involved with the effort will have anything to do with the movie, not after someone on Boyle’s team encouraged her fans to Tweet about the album using the hashtag #susanalbumparty which lends itself very easily to  "anal bum party," an image no one ever wants associated with Boyle……….

- Backpacks: They’re not just for weird loners and kids carrying 75 pounds of books from class to class. They also save lives, as proven by New Hampshire resident Russell Raymond. Raymond was on the wrong end of a hunting accident gone wrong and is alive because his backpack took the hit for a reckless, idiot hunter who didn’t take the necessary precautions before aiming and firing. Raymond was shot from behind, but doesn’t even have a bruise to show for it. “It’s absolutely a miracle,” Raymond said. “Right next to my spine. The sound that it made when it hit me, and the pain, and maybe my brain made up that pain. It felt like it was in the middle of my body.” The bullet lodged in the middle of his backpack and investigators are examining it and other evidence to determine how an experienced hunter who claimed he was aiming at a deer instead hit a human being with a potentially fatal shot. When questioned about the incident, the hunter told told New Hampshire Fish and Game officers that he was shooting at a deer and missed. Raymond doesn’t remember much about the incident, but with two small children at home and his wife pregnant with the couple’s third child, he’s thankful for the backpack that staved off death. “The last thing I remember was just falling forward,” he said of the shooting.  “Everything entered my mind. My mother, she’s down in Florida, stuff when I did as a teenager I never said sorry for. It’s amazing how fast your mind is when you need it.” It’s good to know that someone’s mind was working out in the woods that day………

- We did it, y’all, a world record! On a day of giving thanks, the entire globe can join in the celebration knowing that together, mankind has accomplished something noteworthy. Sure, that accomplishment is wrecking the environment and pushing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a new record high, but in difficult times, it is important to celebrate feats of any kind. A new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) delivered the belated good news that a world record was set in 2011 with a 30-percent increase in radiative forcing - the warming effect on our climate - because of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-trapping gases. The numbers are truly staggering, as the world has released about 375 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere as CO2 since the start of the industrial era in 1750. Fossil-fuel combustion is the chief culprit, according to the WMO report. A whopping 50 percent of the CO2 released during the past 262 years or so 2 remains in the atmosphere, with the rest being absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial biosphere. “These billions of tons of additional carbon dioxide in our atmosphere will remain there for centuries, causing our planet to warm further and impacting on all aspects of life on earth,” WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud said. “Future emissions will only compound the situation.” And your point is? Yes, one might argue that this report is cause for concern, action and change, but who wants to worry about something lame like global warming and climate change? Besides, this report focuses on atmospheric concentrations - and not emissions - of greenhouse gases, meaning it tells the story of what remains in the atmosphere after the complex system of interactions among the atmosphere, biosphere and oceans and not what is currently being pumped into the atmosphere. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Annual Greenhouse Gas Index, from 1990 to 2011, radiative forcing by long-lived greenhouse gases increased by 30 percent, with CO2 accounting for about 80 percent of this increase. Put it all together and it is a true record-setting effort the whole world can take credit for………

- Only in Iowa….and maybe Kentucky, Tennessee, North Dakota and Montana. The University of Iowa wrestling team showed its inner redneck Tuesday when freshmen Alex Meyer and Connor Ryan were arrested by campus police and suspended from the team for illegally hunting rabbits on campus. These two country boys were arrested for allegedly saddling up with BB guns and air rifles and heading out for the hunt. For some odd reason, discharging firearms – even BB guns and air rifles – on a college campus is illegal in Iowa – and probably everywhere else in America. Normally, stupid sh*t done on college campuses owes to the presence of alcohol and/or marijuana, but in this case, it was merely the naïve stupidity of two freshmen with too much time on their hands and not nearly enough IQ points between them. Their suspensions aren't exactly a massive loss for the team, which is 3-0 so far this season, as neither Meyer nor Ryan have wrestled a match this season. Athletic director Gary Barta announced that both are suspended indefinitely and will face disciplinary action through university and athletic department policies. If Iowa really does have a policy governing the use of BB guns and air rifles to hunt wildlife on its campus, then it’s more of a rural, farming school than anyone knew. It feels safe to say this sort of incident isn't going to happen at NYU, USC or the University of Miami………

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