Tuesday, May 02, 2017

The world's cat obsession, moronic mayoral sports bets and Deadwood takes a cinematic turn

- For some reason, people have an insane love of cats. Look no further than the countless hours and bandwidth humanity wastes on a daily basis watching cute cat videos on YouTube or crafting the next great cat-centric meme to share on Facebook. So one can only imagine that when a cat fell into London’s River Thames after a scuffle with another feline, there would be a bold, immediate response from at least one person in the vicinity of the fallen kitty. Sure enough, surveillance video from London’s Royal Docks showed a cat known as Felix being chased by another cat and losing its footing, then tumbling dozens of feet down into the river. Felix is no ordinary cat; he’s the Royal Docks Management Authority's official office cat and when he took his fall - one has to assume he landed on his feet because that’s supposedly what cats always do - a man in a red jacket came to the rescue, immediately setting down his belongings and scooping the cat from the water. It was the sort of heroic scene that will undoubtedly lead to this man being immortalized in the hearts and minds of crazy cat ladies around the world for years to come, yet after the rescue, the man simply returned the cat to dry land and went on his way, never stopping to make his identity know. "We can happily report that Felix suffered no injury or trauma," the Royal Docks Management Authority said in a statement. Yes, but the man who saved him just walked away from his 15 minutes of fame and he may come to regret that………

- Too soon, mayors of St. Louis and Nashville, too soon. And by too soon, we mean that there’s never a good time for the lame, hokey, publicity stunt bets between political leaders of various cities or states based on the outcome of sporting events. Betting salmon from Seattle against New England clam chowder is lame under the best of circumstances, i.e. a Super Bowl, World Series or other championship contest. The only way to up the lame-osity would be….well, to do what the mayors of St. Louis and Nashville are doing. These two ass hats preside over cities whose teams are meeting in the SECOND ROUND of the NHL postseason, a full two rounds removed from the Stanley Cup Finals. In other words, neither of them should be betting anything at all on the outcome of a series whose winner still has only a 50-50 chance of even getting to play for the championship in a few weeks. Nashville Mayor Megan Berry and newly elected St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson are proving that they’re both grade-A losers by making this bet, but worse still, they didn’t even make it before the series. No, they agreed to the bet shortly before the Predators beat the Blues 3-1 on Sunday to take a 2-1 series lead. Well played, tools. Should the Nashville Predators win, Krewson owes Berry a basket featuring a blues compilation album, an assortment of local barbecue rubs and sauces, a gooey butter cake and a Blues jersey. If the Blues win, Berry gets a basket including a country music album, Nashville barbecue sauces and rubs, Goo Goo clusters and a Predators jersey. These two couldn’t even come up with original items that don’t mirror what the other is betting….all in all, possibly the worst sports bet between political officials in the history of a practice in which every damn one of these bets is terrible……..

- Riot Watch! Riot Watch! Because it’s a world power and because it has as high a standard of living as any country on the planet, the United States rarely gets credit for its capacity to riot in support of a good cause. In large part, that’s because the straits are rarely as dire for your average American as they are for a person in a Third World country rising up to oust an illegitimate ruler who is still in power even though his term in office ended five years ago or demanding basic, everyday human rights and staples such as food and personal care items. But every now and then, America hulks up and rages against the machine with vigor, just as so many did to kick off this week. So far, the arrest total stands at 40 (and rising!) after tens of thousands across the country chanted, protested and spoke out against Mutated Circus Peanut in Chief Donald Trump’s imbecilic immigration and labor policies. Even normally chill cities such as Portland, Oregon were the scene of unbridled rage as protest took the bold step to riot after some inspired marchers began throwing smoke bombs and other items at officers. Of the 40 arrests on the day, 25 came from Portland as a group police were all too happy to describe as anarchists donned black bandanas and ski masks before breaking windows, setting fires on the streets and attempting to demolish a police cruiser. It was an uplifting scene that even included a 14-year-old who was charged with rioting. There’s just something about seeing the next generation truly get it that makes you smile…just as it should in Seattle, where five protestors  were arrested, one for hurling a rock as pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators faced off. Olympia, Washington had its own protest, as did Oakland, California, where at least four were arrested after creating a human chain to block a county building at the center of the battle between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents. All in all, an uplifting day for America and proof that we too, spoiled as we may be, still know how to riot……..

- More than a decade after its demise, “Deadwood” remains very much alive. The Western-themed series aired for but three seasons on HBO, running from 2004-06 with Ian McShane in its leading role. Since it went off the air, rumors of its revival in various forms has always been kicked around by fans of the show, be it on television or on the big screen. Now, 11 years later, the world has been put on notice that the script for a potential “Deadwood” movie is finished and depending on who you ask, it just might be the greatest movie script in the history of the film industry. Creator David Milch confirmed last month that the script for a two-hour feature film had been delivered to HBO and then tried to throw the network under the bus by proclaiming that if the project didn’t happen, fans should blame the suits at HBO. Now, one of McShane’s co-stars on the show has jumped into the fray. Actor W. Earl Brown, who played Dan Dority in the show, tweeted out his thoughts on the script and potential movie. “I’ve read the DEADWOOD film script,” Brown tweeted. “It’s stunning. I’ve read, or had Dave read to me, sections of it over the last two years. I now have the completed version… While it may lack the physical heft of olde, its emotional and philosophical heft is gargantuan… The hour and half it took me to read was fucking thrilling and fucking heartbreaking.” Biased as those views may be, it’s nice to see someone overly excited about this potential project and the nice payday it could bring for him. Given Hollywood’s disturbing obsession with all things rebooted, remade or sequel-ed, it’s a virtual lock that this movie will happen too and then, “Deadwood” fans can be thrilled and have their hearts broken…….

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