Sunday, September 07, 2014

Fight the cats, Olympic golf drama and a "Walking Dead" spin-off

- AMC is smart. It knows that “The Walking Dead” is one of its tentpole series and it also knows that like any great series, the zombie-centric drama cannot go on forever. Bearing that in mind, AMC executives have made the smart decision to gravy train of the “Walking Dead” phenomenon with a spin-off series it hopes will keep the franchise alive and kicking well into the future. The planned spin-off will examine the effects of the zombie apocalypse around the world and AMC has already ordered a pilot episode of the new show with the idea of serving up "something truly compelling, engaging and distinct." AMC president Charlie Collier confirmed addition of the new show and explained why – beyond the financial value of having a potentially über-popular new drama to promote – the network is fired up about its latest creation. "Almost from the beginning of The Walking Dead on AMC, fans have been curious about what is going on in the zombie apocalypse in other parts of the world. In fact, beyond requests for zombie cameos, it’s the question I get asked the most,” Collier said. Count Robert Kirkman, the original comic's co-creator and executive producer of the new show, in on the excitement. "There are many corners of The Walking Dead universe that remain unseen in the shadows. Being given the opportunity to shine a light into those corners and see what lurks out there is an absolute thrill,” Kirkman said. The show that started the “Dead” train rolling will return for a 16-episode season this fall, with Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his team battling the evil Terminus gang in a bid to try and cure the zombie plague on a permanent basis………

- Anti-Semitism isn't exactly dead in Germany despite the fact that the evil fascist despot who gave it life has been gone for some seven decades. Hitler is long gone, but the bigoted, hateful and even murderous beliefs of those who despite Jews simply for being Jews persist in the country that has historically been linked to anti-Semitism as strongly as anyone outside of the Middle East. German Chancellor Angela Merkel knows here nation’s legacy and while one man or woman in a position of power can’t exactly rewrite decades of ugliness, Merkel is making an effort to battle hate by calling on Deutschland’s citizens to attend a rally against anti-Semitism next week in Berlin where she will speak. There is definitely an elements of political grandstanding to her comments, including the bold proclamation that Merkel herself will do everything possible to make sure anti-Semitism has no chance in Germany. The comments came in response to recent protests in Germany against the Gaza war turned anti-Semitic, with synagogues and Jews being attacked and demonstrators chanting for Jews to be gassed. It was an ugly revival of the darkest time in the nation’s history and inspired Merkel to make it clear publicly that ensuring g Jews feel safe remains a top priority for Germany 75 years after it attacked Poland in the run-up to World War II and the killing of six million Jews. Merkel said "we need to resolutely pursue every sign of anti-Semitism” and will undoubtedly deliver more such mandates at the rally………

- Who’s excited for golf’s return to the Summer Olympics in 2016? No one? Not even golf fans? Even so, let’s wade into the clusterf*ck of incompetence, corruption, mismanagement and ineptitude that is the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and find out how the organizers of Brazil’s second major international sporting event in a three-year span are mucking up golf’s Olympic comeback. Today’s hijinks find a Brazilian court looking to protect a nature reserve by proposing changes that threaten the future of the course being built specifically for the 2016 Olympics. The course developer and the city of Rio de Janeiro, both defendants in a lawsuit brought by a public prosecutor, have only until Sept. 17 to determine whether they will make changes to the layout proposed by the court and Rio Judge Eduardo Klausner. Should they reject the proposed changes, the site for golf at the Games will be in question as the sport returns after a 112-year absence. Building the course around an environmentally protected area -- some of the city's last green space and most valuable real estate – was a dicey move from the start even though the site was approved by Rio's city government in a legal move that's being questioned. Work on the course began almost five years ago, which is both sad (because it’s not done yet) and curious because public prosecutor Marcus Leal aruged in court this week that questions of ownership and environmental issues surrounding the course were well known. "This is not a surprise," he said. Under the terms of the court’s decision, construction can continue but no new ground can be broken. Perhaps now would be a good time to visit another top venue in the Rio area, the Itanhanga Golf Club, which has hosted the European Tour and a U.S. LPGA Tour event. The only person seeing any silver linings in this mess is Ty Votaw, vice president of golf world governing body the IGF. "Construction continuing is something we see as a positive," Votaw said. Nice try, T-Money. In order to meet the judge's proposal, the golf course layout would need to move away from a lagoon on its south side and toward a multi-lane highway on the north. That would mean building on land zoned for the construction of high-end apartments selling for between $2.5-7 million. Rich people and big businessman typically don’t give up valuable land that easily………

- You try to stand up for your rights, you had best be ready for a fight. A Hernando, Miss. resident identifying himself only as Kevin found himself in just such a difficult spot recently when the laziness, carelessness and sheer ignorance of a neighbor who refused to keep their pet under control started turning Kevin’s peaceful night’s sleep into a rudely interrupted rest that came to a crashing halt at 5 a.m. See, Kevin noticed that every morning, the same cat would pass through his yard, causing his easily manipulated dog to bark wildly and scratch at the blinds in a futile attempt to get at that darn cat. The hubbub woke Kevin up and sadly, there was little he could do about it…until inspiration struck. Feeling that even if he couldn’t have a chat with the cat and ask it to take a different route for its morning stroll he could still affect change, he erected a sign that read: "If you have a cat, keep it in your yard or I will kill it." The rage was perhaps a bit generalized and needed a more specific target, but the sign had its desired impact. "It took about 20 minutes and I knew who it was," Kevin said of the cat’s owner. However, the sign also had unintended consequences courtesy of local alarmists and crazy cat ladies from all over. A citizen sent the mayor a Facebook message and that knee-jerk political puppet immediately dispatched animal control to make sure any cats roaming the neighborhood would be corralled, not killed. Hernando Animal Control convinced Kevin to take the sign down, but he has still received death threats from cat-coddling kooks who clearly have their priorities in order. Sadly, the local laws allow for cats to roam free and it appears Kevin’s only mistake was threatening to kill the cat as opposed to capturing it, deporting it to a city far, far away and keeping quiet……….

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