Thursday, August 21, 2014

Strippers on the boardwalk, Bush seeks handouts and guaranteeing college athletic scholarships

- Ah, the good old days of letter writing….with bombs inside. The Irish Republican Army can never be accused of forgetting from whence it came, not when four of its anachronistically inclined members are organizing an letter-bomb campaign designed to maim, harm and kill various targets in Northern Ireland and England. According to police in Northern Ireland, two men and two women were arrested Wednesday in Londonberry in conjunction with a plot to blow up the city’s police headquarters. A few hours after the arrests, masked men loaded a suspected bomb on to a truck and ordered the driver to park it outside the city's police headquarters. Police moved quickly to evacuate a nearby school and businesses but could not confirm whether the threat was legitimate. Either way, the four suspects are thought to have mailed at least 10 bombs over the past year. Either these wannabe killers were terrible at disguising their bombs or people are simply better at identifying incendiary mail than they used to be, because all 10 of those bombs were detected and dismantled safely before they had a chance to harm anyone. The targets for this ring of mischief-loving miscreants included police commanders, a prison governor, a state prosecutor's office, British Army recruitment centers and Northern Ireland's secretary of state. Aiming high is about the only respectable quality the suspected bombers possess, but give them a few points for persistence. They are believed to be members of one of several small IRA factions that remain active in Northern Ireland, but their numbers are quickly dwindling through both sheer stupidity and the fact that the IRA is an outdated mechanism of an extremist movement very much on the decline……..

- The University of Maryland is standing behind its athletic scholarships. Taking advantage of a change in NCAA rules allowing members of the five power conferences in Division I to make their own rules in some aspects of athletics, Maryland plans to start guaranteeing scholarships to students-athletes until they graduate, regardless of injury or on-field performance. Previously, scholarships were one-year renewable agreements between athletes and their schools, but UM athletes will now be able to rest assured that as long as they keep their grades up, they won't have to worry about whether the coach will bring them back next season. Haters have long used the argument that allowing scholarships to be renewed on a year-to-year basis and reduced or canceled for any reason undercut the NCAA's argument that revenue-generating athletes should not be paid and guaranteeing the scholarships for athletes in all spots, not just the so-called revenue sports of football and basketball, gives Maryland a chance to be a trend-starter in a sense. The decision follows a decision by a federal judge earlier this month to allow future college football and basketball players to get monetary compensation. According to UM officials, they are among the first Division I schools to guarantee scholarships for athletes in all sports. Ensuring that athletes stay on point academically and don’t cheat in their classes is still a problem spot for many big-time football and basketball schools, but it is nice to see at least one institution of higher learning fix one problem area……..

- Strippers are genuinely not considered entertainment fit for mass consumption. Chelsea Plymale (potentially a fictitious name given her chosen trade) is challenging that concept by taking her stripping to the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md. She’s gone from taking off her clothes for strangers with dollar bills to disrobing for the public right on the boardwalk. She doesn’t actually get fully naked, as that would put an abrupt end to her new act, but her performances have nonetheless incited outrage from parents, tourists and business owners. “I mean, I knew people were going to be shocked but I didn’t know I was going to be pushed into the spotlight like this,” Plymale said. Nice try, C. You knew exactly what you were doing and you did it for the very reason you claim has caught you completely off-guard. Dancing in skimpy clothing aroud a brass pole on the boardwalk is guaranteed to shine a bright, bright spotlight on a person and anyone with an IQ above 22 would know that. Plymale has been plying her trade on the boardwalk all summer and the response has been loud, pointed and vitriolic for visitors and locals alike. Many have pointed out that the boardwalk is a place built around family entertainment and a few of those offended by Plymale’s act have placed complaint calls to Ocean City police. The police, it turns out, can’t do a damn thing about it. “Basically, the street performers can go up there as long as they aren’t breaking any other laws and they’re performing and exercising their first amendment rights. They have every right to be up on the boardwalk,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. Plymale is sticking with a bad cliché in explaining why there shouldn’t be a problem with what she’s doing. “They can keep watching. They don’t have to let their children watch me perform,” she said. “I’m completely tasteful. I don’t really dance around too much. I just do pole tricks.” Well said, skank……..

- Gavin Rossdale is not well-liked among rock fans. Keep this in mind while considering the following. Rossdale and his band, British rockers Bush are looking for financial assistance to release their new album. More accurately, they want their fans to pay for said album and they are willing to hand out bribes to make it happen. Bush have set up a page on PledgeMusic offering rewards for fans that want to help with the new record, which would be their first since the largely ignored “Sea of Memories” dropped in 2011. In order to entice fans to contribute beyond merely overpaying for a record that likely won't be an all-time classic, Bush is dangling behind-the-scenes footage and regular updates on the album to fans who pledge money in exchange for t-shirts, instruments, DVDs and more. "Your support has always meant everything to us, and we’re incredibly excited to bring you this music in a direct and unique way here on PledgeMusic. By ordering anything here, you’ll get the new album digitally the moment it’s released – in fact, you’ll be the first to know all about it,” Rossdale wrote in a post on the band’s website. "And by joining us here, you’ll also have access to videos, previously unreleased music, exclusive photos, and the chance to have some amazing experiences and interactions with Chris, Robin, Corey and me. It’s an exciting way for us to share the process of releasing our new music. Thanks always for the continued support. We couldn’t do this new thing without you. Big love." Yes, big love and hopefully, big bucks coming for a band that can most definitely afford to release the project without and charity……….

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