Sunday, August 07, 2016

Pizza ATM's, Matt Damon v. China and Russia's Paralympic shame

- There’s shady, there’s über-shady….and then there’s ramping doping of your PARALYMPIC ATHLETES. Yes, that’s directed at you, Russia. It was bad enough that the International Olympic Committee nearly banned all of your Olympic athletes from this year’s Rio Games due to systemic doping in recent years, but shooting/pilling/roiding up those competing with various physical disabilities that qualify them for the Paralympics is another level of scum-baggery. That latter approach to gaining an unfiar advantage led to Russia being booted from the upcoming Paralympics as punishment for the state running a doping operation that polluted sports by prioritizing "medals over morals." Paralympic leaders dropped the hammer on one of their most significant members due to years of doping deception, including tampering with samples at the 2014 Olympics and Paralympics in Sochi. "The facts really do hurt," International Paralympics Committee president Philip Craven said. "They are an unprecedented attack on every clean athlete who competes in sport. The anti-doping system in Russia is broken, corrupted and entirely compromised. Tragically, this situation is not about athletes cheating a system, but about a state-run system that is cheating the athletes." Craven laid out Russia and its government, saying the Putin regime “has catastrophically failed its Para athletes.” The blanket ban on the communists removes a contingent that finished second in the medal standings at the 2012 London Paralympics and had 267 athlete slots for Rio in 18 sports. Russia can appeal between now and the Paralympics, when begin next month, but it doesn’t sound like the IPC will show much mercy for the Russians in wheelchairs, with amputated limbs and clearly, with a government whose unethical behavior knows no bounds…………

- Not all protests/riots/rallies are awesome. For example, if your government is organizing a bogus demonstration in the wake of an  abortive July 15 coup that killed over 270 people, then your gathering is a lot more lame and a lot less badass than most other such events. Enter the crowds that gathered to cap the weekend in Istanbul at a massive rally to mark the end of nightly democracy demonstrations following last month’s coup. The lamely titled. "Democracy and Martyrs' Rally" allegedly aimed to represent Turkish unity, with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urging attendees to bring only the Turkish flag instead of party banners. It was a cheesy, pathetic request tagged with the despot claiming before the event that "there we will stand together as a single nation, a single flag, a single motherland, a single state, a single spirit." Yes, standing and ignoring the fact that the reason there was a coup is your oppressive, dictatorial regime that pisses off a nation to the point that you try to create fake unity at an event attended by the highest levels of Turkish leadership and two of Turkey's three opposition parties. The only ones who don’t look bad here are  pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party, or HDP, who didn’t receive an invitation to an event the government was so intent on keeping under wraps that nearly 15,000 police were on hand for security, while the crackdown on anyone even tangentially involved with the coup through the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Principle continues across the country. Yes, it truly was a festive and memorable weekend for all of Turkey………

- The debate over Hollywood whitewashing is so deep at this point that even Jason Bourne is being sucked in. Yes, Matt Damon is under fire by proxy because “The Great Wall” director Zhang Yimou has been accused of whitewashing following Damon’s casting as the movie's lead. A trailer for the film sparked the drama because those who viewed it believed Damon was playing a role that should be played by a Chinese actor. Yimou took exception, arguing that Damon’s role is merely one of several big ones in the movie. "The arrival of his character in our story is an important plot point. There are five major heroes in our story and he is one of them — the other four are all Chinese,” the director said. “I have not and will not cast a film in a way that was untrue to my artistic vision. Our film is not about the construction of the Great Wall. Matt Damon is not playing a role that was originally conceived for a Chinese actor." That didn’t placate comedian and actress Constance Wu, who was among the chorus of naysayers decrying Damon’s addition, claiming the film was "perpetuating the racist myth that only a white man can save the world.” That was a heavy claim made by someone who has clearly never watched the United States Congress in action…living proof that white men can’t even save their own country from total ineptitude in the face of rampant gun violence.  "Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon," Wu tweeted. Enter the Wu, eh haters? The film itself is set 1,000 years ago on the Great Wall of China, where a group of warriors battle to defeat a number of mythical creatures. It’s slated to hit theaters in February……..

- The real question is why this idea took so long to become a thing. Americans love pizza, Americans love getting unhealthy food in a hurry and Americans love ATMs. Why not roll all of that into one and create an ATM that dispenses piping hot slices of pizzas instead of $20 bills? Enter a company from, of all places, France to make this greasy, cheese-covered dream a reality. Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, is teaming with France-based Paline to bring the first pizza ATM to North America and taking advantage of college students with easy access to alcohol, disposable cash on their meal plan and little dietary discipline is an idea this tandem is looking to exploit. The PTM is being installed in the lobby of Fenwick Place just outside XU's Hoff Dining Hall and will be stocked with 70 pizzas at a time. It sounds like a potentially disgusting idea on par with hot dogs sitting on that slow-rotating metal rack at 7/11 for a week or two before some desperate, drunk dude bites the bullet and buys them at 2 a.m. after a major bender, but at least one person is selling this idea hard - conveniently enough, someone whose job is to promote all that is supposedly good about Xavier. "It is the best pizza I've ever had, and I hate to admit that as a New Yorker," said Jennifer Paiotti, marketing director of XU's auxiliary services. Nice try, Jen. Anyone buying from the PTM isn't looking for quality of food, just like they weren't really looking for quality when they downed seven Keystone Lights to set them up for the questionable decision of buying pizza from an ATM……..

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