Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Banning farting, searching for medical information online and spoiling reality TV

- The devotion of idiots and losers to their favorite reality television shows never ceases to amaze. Investing your time and energy into the most bogus, contrived and artificial pictures of reality you can find and pretending that it’s real, unscripted drama and competition playing out before your eyes just seems…..ridiculous. Going online and trying to peel back the layers of the show’s mysteries with other no-life-having losers only makes it worse. Perhaps no one embodies this reality better than Survivor fan Jim Early, who was sued for revealing the show’s secrets, then diming out one of the game’s most popular players, Russell Hantz, as his source. Mark Burnett Productions and CBS sued Early for providing spoilers for Seasons 19 and 20 of the show that pits cash- and attention-starved losers against on another in some God-forsaken jungle where they sleep on the ground, eat bugs and try to scam one another out of the game. Early scored his inside information from Hantz over the phone after calling the stout, arrogant, bald Texan after someone else posted Hantz’s phone number online. Early claims that Hantz called him back later the same night and began dropping bits of knowledge about the show. In turn, Early posted the message on a fan site and said that once Hantz saw the attention the information got on the Survivor Sucks message boards, “He just started coming out and telling me what happened: who was leaving, who won challenges." That’s a problem because cast members’ contract states that contestants may not reveal "the elimination of contestants and the selection of any winner.” The penalty for breaking that rule is harsh: "liquidated damages" of $5 million. For Early, the lawsuit against him had to be unnerving, but the show’s attorneys informed him that they were not interested in him, but rather where he had gotten the information. "I gave him an email from Russell spoiling something,” Early said. “They were very happy to get that email, and I have many, many more." The email in question allegedly from Hantz, identifies the elimination order of two Survivor Samoa contestants, while another message says Hantz will call Early with accurate information about the show. Why is Early turning on Hantz now? Well, other than a lawsuit against him, he says he tired of Hantz’s “attitude about the whole thing, and because Russell tried to implicate another player, an innocent player, who wasn't giving information." That bad attitude came out recently when one of Survivor’s biggest villains addressed fans of the show on Facebook: "If you love the game, you won't go to spoiler sites. Like who really wants to know who wins the Super Bowl before you watch it play out? Don' t be a retard, lol just watch it play out and you will like what you see." Awesome, a retard blast. Stay classy, Russ. Oh, and thanks for proving once again that reality TV is the most bogus, staged type of entertainment around…………

- It was bound to happen sooner or later. You don’t issue the Code Red that ends with you tripping an opposing special teams gunner as he tries to get down the field to cover a kick, execute that Code Red with your own knee to that opposing player’s leg and keep your job. So seven weeks after he executed that knee to the leg of Miami Dolphins special teamer Nolan Carroll that was heard ‘round the NFL, New York Jets strength and conditioning coach Sal Alosi resigned from his position, the Jets announced Monday night. After the blatant trip of Carroll in a Dec. 12 game, the organization was fined $100,000 by the NFL and Alosi was suspended for the remainder of the season. He never returned to work and as such, his firing/resignation was no surprise. Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum indicated that Alosi could be fired and one way or another, he was leaving. Alosi released a statement through the team, saying in part, "After the events that have transpired, I feel it's best for my family and me to look for a fresh start." Riiiiight. What you meant to say is that you resigned rather than be fired and I understand. Because Alosi resigned, the team stood behind him and Tannenbaum, in a statement, said it was Alosi's decision. "After speaking with Sal, he decided that it is best for him to tender his resignation at this time," Tannenbaum said. "We appreciate all of Sal's contributions during his tenure with the team. He played an invaluable role in our success and established what we feel is one of the better strength and conditioning programs in the NFL." Aww, very nice. Fact is, there was no way Alosi could keep his job, not even after offering a public apology the day after the incident and paying a $25,000 fine of his own. Even after he was suspended by the Jets after team officials learned "new information," as Tannenbaum called it, details continued to leak out. One inactive player tight end Jeff Cumberland, told reporters he was ordered by Alosi to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with others. League sources confirmed that the Jets had been doing it for several weeks. Special teams coordinator Mike Westhoff later said in a radio interview that the New England Patriots employed the same tactic. But whether Westhoff or head coach Rex Ryan knew about Alosi’s Code Red or not, there was no way he was keeping his job, period………..

- Maybe it’s just the fan of over-the-top TV spy dramas in me, but I’m a sucker for a good plane landing on a major roadway. The idea of a distressed pilot with nowhere else to go dropping his or her plane down on an interstate just seems cool, right? I wish I could have been in Hackensack, N.J. (probably the first and only time I will ever say that) Monday afternoon as a small plane made an emergency landing on Interstate 80. State police confirmed the landing of the plane, described as a single-engine Cessna was headed toward Teterboro Airport, after it was forced to touch down on the stretch of highway due to a mechanical problem. Perhaps it should be a big surprise that the landing was executed by a former commercial airlines pilot, James Mancini, of Kinnelon, N.J. Mancini had probably been in his share of tight spots in the cockpit over the years, so dealing with this dilemma was no big deal. Oddly enough, the plane he was flying is owned by the U.S. Department of Justice and was working with the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office on a Homeland Security training mission. That mission had to be aborted when a fuel line malfunctioned. Facing a tough situation and knowing he wouldn’t be able to make it back to the airport, Mancini landed just before 3 p.m. in the eastbound express lanes near Polify Road. No injuries were reported, although state police did not reveal how many people were on board. The stretch of road around the landing spot was shut down temporarily as authorities checked the plane, but the interstate was reopened and functioning as normal by the end of the day………

- The Internet: It’s not just for finding good porn. According to a national survey by the Pew Internet Project and California HealthCare Foundation, the World Wide Web is also the place people go for health information. The survey measured Internet users' interest in health information online and found that some 80 percent of adult Internet users search for information about health-related issues, making health the third most popular topic sought out online. What are people searching for? As you might expect, given the tough economic climate of the United States, symptoms and treatments dominate Internet users' health searches. It makes good sense because if you can fix it yourself, then you don’t need to go to the doctor. Also predictably, the most likely groups to look online for health information include adults between ages 18 and 49 who, in the past 12 months, have provided unpaid care to a parent, child, friend, or other loved one. The results also divide along racial lines, with fewer than half of African American and Latino adults in the U.S. seeking health information online. Oh, and stunningly, adults 65 and older also don't tend to look online for medical advice, nor do those adults with high school education only or less, or have a household income of $30,000 or less. Duh…..old people don’t know how to work the computer, those who are uneducated probably earn a lower income and may not be able to afford a computer or Internet access at home and those who make less than $30,000 definitely have those troubles. The topics most frequently searched for include: information about a specific disease or medical problem (66 percent of users), information about a certain medical treatment or procedure (56 percent), information about doctors or other health professionals (44 percent) and information about hospitals or other medical facilities (36 percent). I think we can all take a valuable lesson from this information, namely that there are reasons to go online other than watching a video of someone falling down the stairs on YouTube, updating your Facebook status or adjusting your fantasy basketball lineup……….

- If farting offends you, Malawi could be the place for you. Maybe living in Africa never crossed your mind, but if you’re some elitist snob who looks down on those who break wind, then it could be a great place to live. That’s assuming, of course, that proposed laws written into the Local Courts Bill in Malawi are approved. The laws were proposed by Malawian President Bingu wa Matharika’s administration, so a potential ban on ripping a wet, juicy one is coming straight from the top. Also included in the bill are proposed penalties on people who present themselves as fortune tellers. Before they can be put in place, the proposed laws must be introduced to and approved by the incoming Parliament. The reasoning behind the ban on passing gas, according to the administration, is to prevent people from “insulting the modesty of woman, mold responsible and disciplined citizens”, and prevent people from “trespassing on burial places.” The Local Courts Bill would also place to responsibility for “dispensing familiar and affordable justice for the ordinary Malawian” on local courts. Fighting against the new laws and on the side of the everyman is opposition leader John Tembo, who fittingly opposed the proposed laws. Tembo is against the bill because he believes it will be bad for democracy and create a kangaroo court. Other ridiculous facts of the bull including punishing people for challenging someone to a duel, writing or speaking in a way aimed at hurting someone’s religious feelings or fouling water. Sounds like a solid waste of everyone’s time and thus, a perfect example of what government is all about…………

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